Human Resources


25,945 55.9% , 44.1%
98% received training

The Bank has a young, qualified and gender-diverse workforce. The human resources strategy is based on four key principles which ensure that the goals are achieved.

The capabilities built up in the first year of the Triple Plan saw further development in 2016. Talent and human capital management are a key component of the plan.

The three roles introduced in 2015 — HR Business Partners (HRBP), Centres of Excellence and the Shared Services Centre — took on a stronger role, and two additional roles of similar importance were created: Organisational Climate Improvement Office and Sabadell Campus.

Projects in the Human Resources area:

  • New "Digital Space"
  • New "Commercial School"
  • New School of Management and redesign of the Corporate Management Programme (CMP)
  • New "Finance School"
  • New "Language Area"
  • In-house trainer project
  • Strategic Talent Department

Banco Sabadell applied programmes aimed at attracting young talent with potential.