Legal warning
These general terms and conditions govern the use of and access to the website of the BANCO SABADELL Group of Companies (hereinafter “the Group”) which Banco de Sabadell, S.A. (hereinafter "the Bank"), whose registered address is at Avenida Óscar Esplá, 37, Alicante, with Tax Code A08000143, registered in Alicante, in tome 4070, folio 1, page A-156980, places at the disposal of users over the Internet address: whose "IP" address is:
Use of this website by any user entails full acceptance of these terms and conditions and criteria shown at all times on the website in the version published and in force at all times. To this effect, the user is recommended to read carefully the terms and conditions and instructions shown on the website each time they access them. They are also reminded of the need to reload at all times the content in the cache memory of the user’s own computer in order to receive fully updated information using the function foreseen for this purpose on the browser.
All of this is without detriment to the specific terms and conditions that govern each of the products and services that can be contracted expressly and specifically over the web pages. The mere information about our Group's products does not represent an offer to sell. The inclusion of application forms merely represents an invitation to the user to offer their purchase. Contracting any product or service will require prior study and acceptance by the Bank and will be perfected through signature of the corresponding contract, subject to the general and particular terms and conditions that will govern, in each case, the rights and obligations of the parties with regard thereto.
The main object of the website is to give information about the Group's activities, facts, initiatives, products and services in general, as well as about the organisations forming part of it, likewise facilitating access to the specific websites that belong to certain organisations in the Group or Internet portals controlled by companies associated with it. Access and use by the user of each of these specific sites or portals are governed by their own rules, which are shown in the "legal notice" to which there is a link at the foot of the various home pages.
Terms and conditions of use for the user
The user undertakes to make appropriate, correct and lawful use of the contents and services of the website. Illegal, unlawful activities or those that are contrary to good faith and public order are strictly forbidden As, in general, is any conduct that attacks, induces or may attack the respect of human dignity and the principle of non-discrimination for reasons of race, sex, religion, opinion, nationality or any other personal or social circumstance; against the protection of public health and that of the consumers and users; or the protection of young people and children.
Likewise forbidden is any activity aimed at taking the place of any person or organisation or to interfere, breach, alter or disconnect the system, servers, networks or contents, or to fail to comply with any connection requirement.
The Bank reserves the right to exclude any user from the service without advance notice and to adopt such measures as it may deem appropriate at each time in order to prevent said conduct and activities.
Intellectual or Industrial Property
It is expressly stated that all the elements of the website are subject to intellectual or industrial property rights. The content, source codes, form, design and name of the products, applications, tools, pages, brands, commercial names, logotypes, images, sounds and graphics, including the copyright, belong to, or have been granted to, or are the object of a licence in the name of the Bank, for which reason, authorship and the right of use in all their terms and models are protected by the mercantile and penal laws in force. Any breach thereof, apart from the corresponding monetary liabilities, represents an unlawful or criminal offence.
Therefore, the user should abstain from any reproduction, adaptation, combination or integration in any other application, arrangement or any other manipulation or transformation thereof, as well as from any kind of public notice or distribution regarding the contents accessible via the website without the express consent of the Bank or organisations in the Group, including, in this latter case, abstaining from so doing through procedures other than those specified and foreseen on the website itself for users who, under no circumstances, may make any download, printed copy or transfer of the content to any support, with any alteration or modification of the contents provided, in such a way that it alters, omits, adds to, distorts, modifies or contradicts the messages or information shown and supplied over the website in the way these appear in the system and Bank's data processing registers.
The Bank, or organisations in the Group, does not grant any licence or right of use of any nature concerning its industrial or intellectual property rights or of any right or property associated with the website itself, the services or the contents.
Express authorisation will be required for websites that provide hyperlinks to pages of the Group's website and, in all cases, there should be no reproduction of said pages and no direct link should be made to any page of the site other than to the home page. Likewise, users should abstain from using any distinctive signs, commercial names, headers, information or any other content of the website, except the indication that it forms part of the link itself. In no case will it be understood or stated that the Bank has authorised, intervenes, assumes, participates or has supervised in any way the content of the page showing the hyperlink, or even that it consents to its inclusion, unless by express authorisation.
Privacy Policy
The terms and conditions relating to the Privacy Policy are shown in general via the link referred to under the name "PRIVACY" which is accessible to users through the home page of this website. All of this without detriment to the notices, terms and conditions or specific clauses that may appear in those areas, places or registration forms on the website through which the user can request information or products and services or establish communication with the Group's organisations and which are of preferential application for the case in question.
The Bank does not guarantee the user the availability, access or continuity of connection to the website or the supply of information or of any of the various services offered through it. As a result, the Bank and any possible provider of contents will not be held liable in the event of interruptions in the service, delays, malfunctions and, in general, any inconvenience whose origin lies in causes beyond the control of the Bank or providers, or from a fraudulent or criminal action on the part of the user, or force majeure. Neither does the Bank guarantee the use, procurement of results or infallibility of the contents provided over the website which, in all cases, are of an orientative and informative nature. This information was obtained from sources deemed to be reasonably reliable but should not be deemed infallible, and should be compared with other sources prior to the user forming an opinion or making a decision. All opinions, measures or actions on investments or of any other nature adopted by the user will be exclusively at their own account and risk.
The Bank does not assume any liability from use made of the content of the Group's website by the user and reserves the right to modify, replace, update, renew, impede or restrict access, interrupt, block, temporarily suspend or cancel definitively any service, supply of information or any other content, either with regard to a specific user or in general. Unless otherwise expressly established in each case, the Bank does not intervene, participate in or assume any guarantee regarding the services or products offered by third party providers accessible through hyperlinks or advertisements.
The Bank does not assume liability for any damages that may be caused to the users' equipment due to possible computer viruses contracted by the user in browsing the website or for any other damages incurred from their browsing. The user should observe all the rules, conditions and measures specified and determined on the website in the section entitled "Security".
All information given about profitability and possible future expectations with regard to a given product, service, securities or assets, has been drawn up by taking as a reference the profitability and evolution of the corresponding financial products in the past, due to which they represent mere estimates or forecasts for the future subject to the fact that certain risks, circumstances or other relevant factors of any nature may lead to materially different results from those foreseen being obtained. Therefore, the information may not be a valid guideline to determining the suitability of a specific investment that the visitor may wish to make.
The result that this investment may provide in the future will depend, necessarily, on causes totally beyond the control of the Bank or companies in the Group, due to which the chosen future investments, duly contracted, may prove much higher or lower than the data provided without the Bank or said companies being able to provide further guarantees than those expressly offered regarding a specific product or service.
The Bank and companies in the Group offer the information about products and services free of charge and no not recognise any guarantee regarding the use or purpose for which the visitor may have accessed it Hence, the Bank and companies in the Group decline all liability regarding the accuracy, up-to-date nature, suitability or sufficiency of said information and do not offer any guarantee in this respect.
In the case of information drawn up by third parties, the user is expressly notified that it was drawn up beyond the scope or control of the Bank or of the Group. Hence, the Bank and companies of the Group do not offer any further guarantee or assume any greater liability than that assumed by the author of said information at its origin. This information is offered with no kind of guarantee, commitment or liability, expressly, tacitly or implicitly, nor of any legal, conventional or statutory nature. In no way does it guarantee the accuracy, veracity, convenience, infallibility, up-to-date nature, good state, integrity, sufficiency, utility, appropriateness, investment or commercial value of the information provided nor any other quality, aspect or circumstance; neither does it recognise, suggest, recommend or guarantee in any direct or implicit manner, any uses, purposes or results of any kind, be they general or specific, to which effects the user accesses or may access the information. As a result, neither the aforementioned third parties nor the bank or Group of companies will be held liable for any circumstances, deeds or damages, direct or indirect, that may prejudice or occur with regard to the user, by virtue of the information provided.
All opinions, decisions, interpretations, measures, actions of investment or of any other nature that may be undertaken, adopted or assumed by the user resulting from or on the occasion of their access, reading, analysis or assessment of the information provided to them will be at their own exclusive account and risk
BS Group Companies
You can see the list of companies forming part of the group in the relevant annex of the consolidated annual accounts or by downloading the following document:
(c) Banco Sabadell, S.A, 2002. All rights reserved.