Institutional commitments and recognition 1

Cabecera Banc de Sabadell


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Institutional commitments and recognition

Banco Sabadell’s commitment to Sustainability is also materialised through adherence to different international initiatives and pledges, as well as through obtaining various awards, certificates and qualifications (*).

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Since 2005, Banco Sabadell has been committed to the corporate responsibility initiative of the United
Nations Global Compact and its principles in terms of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

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Certification granted by Top Employers Institute that recognizes of the working environment and practices aimed at people who are part of the company.

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Signatory of the General Protocol on "More Women, Better Companies", launched by the Women’s Institute in Spain.

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Adherence to the Empowering Women's Talent, launched by Equipos&Talento, focused on the empowerment of women in companies.

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Signatory of CEOs supporting diversity, launched by the Adecco Foundation and the Spanish Confederation of Employers’ Organisations (CEOE).

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A Partner in the European Greenbuilding Programme for sustainable construction. Certification of Welcome Hub Office and the Polinyà logistics centre.


*In 2023, some of the largest sector contributions went to the Spanish Banking Association (AEB, for its acronym in Spanish) (€846,493), the Spanish Chamber of Commerce (€110,000), the Foundation for Applied Economic Studies (FEDEA, for its acronym in Spanish) (€90,000), the Institute of International Finance (IIF) (€85,073) and the Foundation for Financial Studies (FEF, for its acronym in Spanish) (€30,000).