Ratings: Conditions 1

Cabecera Banc de Sabadell


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Ratings: Conditions

The information provided below (hereafter "The Information") belongs to Moody's Investors Service, Inc (hereafter Moody's), Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC (hereafter S&P), Fitch Ratings, Inc. (hereafter Fitch) and Morningstar DBRS (hereafter DBRS). It is provided exclusively for general information purposes. Under no circumstances should it be understood, or be taken into consideration, as an offer, a recommendation to invest, as financial advice or participation in any investment or commercial strategy.

It is expressly stated that all the information and contents provided are subject to intellectual or industrial property rights. It is forbidden to make, totally or partially, any copy, reproduction, modification, adaptation, alteration, combination, collection, integration, translation, transmission, transfer, arrangement or any kind of manipulation or transformation, as well as any other use, means of public communication or distribution regarding all the contents. Neither Moody's nor S&P nor Fitch nor DBRS nor the Bank grant any licence authorising any kind of use in this respect.

The Bank reserves the right to modify, replace, correct, update, renew, impede, interrupt, block, totally or partially, and/or cancel the information and access thereto by the user, without the latter having any right to make any application, claim, objection or demand in this respect. The conditions of use of the Bank's website, in general, accessible from the Home Page will be applicable to anything that does not differ from, contradict or alter these conditions and warnings of use.