General Meeting - 2024
/ Documentation available to shareholders Ordinary General Meeting · 10.04.2024
- Financial statements and report of the directors for the year ended 31 December 2023 of Banco de Sabadell, Sociedad Anónima, and the corresponding auditors' report. (ESEF XHTML) (view PDF document)
- Financial statements and report of the directors for the year ended 31 December 2023 of Banco de Sabadell, Sociedad Anónima and its consolidated group, and the corresponding auditors' report. (ESEF ZIP) (view PDF document)
- Non-Financial Disclosures Report of Banco de Sabadell, Sociedad Anónima.
- Annual Corporate Governance Report 2023 of Banco de Sabadell, Sociedad Anónima.
- Articles of Association of Banco de Sabadell, Sociedad Anónima.
- Regulation of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Banco de Sabadell, Sociedad Anónima.
- Board of Directors Regulation of Banco de Sabadell, Sociedad Anónima.
- List of directors of Banco de Sabadell, Sociedad Anónima.
- Curriculum vitae of the persons whose re-appointment, or appointment, as Directors is proposed to the General Meeting of Shareholders:
- CV of Ms. Mireya Giné Torrens
- CV of Ms. Ana Colonques García-Planas
- Report by the Board of Directors regarding the motion to reduce share capital by the par value of own shares that, for a maximum effective amount of €340 million and, in any event, within the maximum limit of 10% of share capital, are acquired for cancellation.
- Report of the Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee in connection with its proposal to the Board of Directors to refer the re-appointment of Ms. Mireya Giné Torrens as Independent Director to the General Shareholders' Meeting.
- Supporting report of the Board of Directors, assessing the competence, experience and merits in relation to the proposal of the Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee for the re-appointment of Ms. Mireya Giné Torrens as an Independent Director.
- Report of the Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee in connection with its proposal to the Board of Directors to refer the appointment of Ms. Ana Colonques García-Planas as Independent Director to the General Shareholders' Meeting.
- Supporting report of the Board of Directors, assessing the competence, experience and merits in relation to the proposal of the Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee for the re-appointment of Ms. Ana Colonques García-Planas as an Independent Director.
- Report of the Board of Directors in connection with the resolution to authorise Banco de Sabadell, Sociedad Anónima to directly or indirectly acquire own shares and to the resolution to reduce share capital by cancelling own shares.
- Report by the Board of Directors in support of the proposal to approve the cap on the variable remuneration for the members of the Identified Staff, which includes the list of the aforementioned members of the Identified Staff of Banco de Sabadell, Sociedad Anónima.
- Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration for 2023.
- Report by the Audit and Control Committee 2023.
- Report by the Appointments and Governance Committee 2023.
- Report by the Remuneration Committee 2023.
- Report by the Risk Committee 2023.
- Report by the Strategy and Sustainability Committee 2023.
- Report by the Credit Delegated Committee 2023.
- Instructions for appointment of proxy and remote voting prior to the General Meeting.
- Instructions for online attendance at the General Meeting.
- Rules of Banco de Sabadell, S.A. 's electronic shareholders' forum.